Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru | National Assembly for Wales

Y Pwyllgor Newid Hinsawdd, Amgylchedd a Materion Gwledig | Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee

Ymchwiliad Rhandiroedd | Allotments Inquiry


Ymateb gan : Unigolyn

Evidence from : Individual


My wife and I took on a five perch allotment plot in 2007 and have increased the size to ten perch which has been the standard size for allotments, although the current trend is to reduce the size from a minimum of three perch and upwards.  Waiting lists show that there is a demand, but a short supply of plots, so it makes sense to create more by reducing the size when plots become available. In truth, smaller plots are far more sensible and manageable for beginner growers or young families with little time to successfully cultivate large plots, but having proven their ability, to be able to have the option to move on to larger plots.

It is a shame that it has taken twelve years from the start, in total, to undertake the task of review of allotment provision.

Waiting lists have long been an issue for Plot Secretaries (now re-named as Site Representatives in Cardiff). GDPR appears to have created a problem for the Council but generally, before this legislation, the situation was improving.

Cardiff Council is in the process of issuing a suite of good guides called “Grow Your Own” aimed at tenants, associations and management of allotments.

Private allotment sites are few in number in Wales, as are National Trust properties. They tend to be expensive and unregulated.

The guidance for setting up allotments should include the option of Local and Self Management. Cardiff already has about half of its allotment sites locally managed under a Local Management Agreement that has been managed successfully for the last two years by volunteer committees with very limited budgets. Sustainability depends completely on the continued dedication and enthusiasm of volunteer plot-holders and proper funding.

Perhaps one of the next steps should be to look at Self Managed sites with the transfer of ownership of land or long- leased land. There are some examples of this in Wales.